Sunday, August 10, 2008


Its a great thing when you and your significant both share a love of food. These past two weeks we've taken all of the domestic responsibility together and even tried to impress one another with our masterful kitchen skills. Of course we were very pleased with the other, not only for our amazing abilities, but also for our cooperation with clean up time. Not too much huffing and puffing required for dish washing and the job was well done.

I took the liberty of making my minty brownies, buttery sugar cookies, a little barbeque, breakfast in bed, and the all worshiped Red Lobster Biscuits, amongst others. The biscuits were all but devoured by any male who stepped foot into smelling distance, and I was happy they were a hit.

Between making lots of food, eating, watching movies and reading novels, cuddling, laughing hysterically at intense ninjas, and loving life... even the laundry got done. Success never tasted so sweet!