Today is my last day of work. On one hand I'm totally relieved for Sara's summer fun time to finally take on a whole new meaning, but on the other hand I'm going to miss the patients I've gotten to know and care about and my coworkers. I've grown to become a part of our office's family, and now I won't see them as much as I used to. Changes.

Tomorrow I kick off the first day of my new full-time student status with a cruise! I'm so excited. I haven't packed anything yet. That's just the Sariana way. Wait till the last minute so there's all that adrenaline rushing around! It's all good. Guess what I'm looking forward to! Writing. I can't wait to sit on the beach (not facing the sun) and just write!
I'm taking a dip in the cool waters of the emotional, intellectual, and intuitive for awhile. But, I can't make any promises. I just might turn into a mermaid and live there forever.
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